Welcome to Discover in Murcia.com!!

Letter of introduction:

This web page is created in Murcia with the aim of spreading and helping to get to know our natural, cultural, artistic and business wide resources here, in Región de Murcia.

Our goals:

  • From a local perspective, we try to provide citizens with all the possible and useful information from public insititutions.
  • In the business area, our desire is to make easy the comercial interaction so the users can benefit from the wide and good quality range of the regional companies services and products.
  • We also want to provide the user with an cutting-edge online tool which has been designed to be quite user-friendly. This webpage, we hope, will benefit the whole murcian society and will make )possible an approach of those who are interested in our region.
  • Finally, we hope everybody will be able to rediscover all the possibilities to enjoy in our region. Also, to get to know our people qualities and virtues.

Discover in Murcia management.



f any suggestion or request to improve our webpage, please fill in the form below.
We will try to answer you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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  6. INFORMACIÓN BÁSICA SOBRE PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS<br> Responsable: DISCOVER IN MARKET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SL<br> Finalidad: Gestionar las consultas planteadas en el formulario de contacto<br> Legitimación: Interés legítimo del Responsable y consentimiento del interesado.<br> Destinatarios: Se cederán datos por obligación legal, autorización expresa del interesado o para prestar un servicio como se explica en la información adicional.<br> Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.<br> Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos expuesta en nuestra política de privacidad en el siguiente <a href="https://www.discoverinmurcia.com/politica-de-privacidad-de-datos-3/">link</a>

Contact us trough e-mail

info@discoverinmurcia.com                info@discoverinmarket.com